We have looked at the concept of focusing on God for five-minute periods when awakening, going to bed, and during mundane tasks. This five-minute focus concept, however, doesn’t have to end there. It can be done in various ways throughout your entire day. My next five posts will be about using our senses in this marvelous way to stay connected with God. Our Creator made us physical beings with five distinct senses - sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. God has endowed us with these five wonderful physical attributes, so we should use them in worshiping him. Today, we consider how to use our sight to connect with God throughout the day. You can practice several “five-minute” vision focuses during your day in two main areas.
God’s Creation:
I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2 CSB)
Consider the moments in your day when you encounter God’s awe-inspiring creation and perhaps overlook its magnificence. It is so easy to do. We often put our lives on “cruise control” and pass right by the wonder of creation. Even if you live in a city, God’s creation is all around you—in the form of trees, parks, and even the sky above. Whether driving, walking, or commuting, you can make a conscious effort to soak up God’s creation and take a few moments (perhaps five?) to marvel at its wonder. And then, to praise the Creator for what he has created for us to enjoy. If circumstances permit, immerse yourself in the beauty of creation - marvel at its diversity, complexity, and beauty. God designed creation to point to him. When we look at it, our first response should be praise to the Creator. Praise him for being so intelligent and so majestic that he would think of all the variety of flowers and the different colors that go with them. Praise him for how he created birds and bees to repopulate them.
What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor. (Psalm 8:4-5 NRSV)
Most of us have a habit of making most people we do not know invisible. Whether they are standing on a street corner or next to us in a store, walking down the sidewalk, or scanning our items in the checkout line, we tend not to really notice them. Oh, we notice that they are there. But do we really look at them? Do we notice the expression on their face? The tone of their voice? Really seeing people does two things. It validates them as a person of respect, made in the image of God. It allows us to connect with them as another human being. So, here are a several areas where you can practice a “five-minute focus” on seeing and praying for people.
Really see those people asking for handouts on street corners. Look at them as a person. Notice the expression on their face. Notice their clothing. Notice the sign they are holding up. THEN, pray for them as you continue to drive. Ask God to draw them to him. Ask him to bless them today in some way.
Notice the people who take care of you at the check-out counter. Engage them. Ask how their day is going. Observe their facial expression and demeanor. Thank them for their service. THEN, when you get back into your car (if time allows), sit and pray for them before you start the engine and drive off. If time does not allow you to do this, pray for them as you drive.
If you drive by a school, lift up the children, teachers, and staff. Ask God to bless them during the day, bless their homes, and protect them from harm. Do the same thing if you drive by government buildings.
There is really no limit to using the above ideas. Everywhere you drive, you pass people and buildings that house people. Use what you see as you drive as a prompt to praise God and pray for those you see.
I end today’s post with a poem about a homeless person standing on a corner.
God Sees You
God sees you standing on the corner,
Listening for a life that is better,
A song that is sweeter,
A story that is safer.
God sees you standing on the corner,
Asking when the hurt ends,
Where the loneliness bends
Toward someone
Who will listen?
God sees you standing on the corner
Waiting for tomorrow;
Wishing you could forget today.
God sees you standing on the corner
And so do I.
Lord, help us see everything you created as you see it!
I really love this poem. What insight! Thanks for sharing!