In my last post, I shared an overview and the benefits of spiritual rhythms. In this post, we will examine how to develop spiritual rhythms. So, where do you begin?
Begin with prayer.
Ask God to direct you in the process. Then, wait and listen! It is easy to voice a prayer and then not wait for the answer. You must allow time and space for God to give you a specific passage(s) and how he wants you to live out your spiritual rhythms. You cannot usually do this in a single devotional time with God. Plan on a week or two of taking this process to God and for Holy Spirit to guide you.
Allow God to lead you to scripture(s) that will guide your spiritual rhythms.
Ask the Lord to lead you to a scripture(s) that will be a foundation for developing your rhythms. Then, listen. You could pray through the list below if God does not readily bring something to mind. If you take the time and effort to sit before the Lord and ask him to guide you, he will.
Isaiah 6:4-9: The Shema
Matthew 22:37-39: The Great Commandments
2 Peter 3:18: Grow in grace and knowledge
Matthew 28:18-20: The Great Commission
2 Timothy 3:16: Scripture is inspired and useful
For myself, the Lord led me to the great commandments as a foundation for my rhythms.
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matthew 22:37-39 NIV)
Once you have a foundational scripture, again go to the Lord in prayer and ask him how he desires that you “live out” the scripture(s) on a regular basis.
Below are the spiritual rhythms that Holy Spirit prompted me to develop for my life. I share these as only an example and encouragement for you.
My Spiritual Rhythms
I have been called by God to be transformed into the image of Christ by…
Loving God completely
(with my entire being - heart, strength, soul, mind)Loving others sacrificially
(using my time, talents, and money to serve others)
Loving myself rightly
(taking care of my mind, body, soul, and spirit)
Pursuing spiritual practices consistently
(Giving Holy Spirit the opportunity to transform me)
How I will live out my spiritual rhythms.
Loving God completely
Daily time with God (worship, prayer, Bible intake, solitude)
Weekly worship & community with my church family
Weekly reflection and Sabbath
Loving others sacrificially
Daily serving my family & friends
Daily seeking opportunities to serve others
Weekly serving in a ministry
Loving myself rightly
Mind: reading & writing
Body: proper eating, exercise, and sleep
Soul: entertainment & fun
Spirit: glorifying and enjoying God
You may be led to create something less or more detailed than mine. That is okay. I have shared mine only as an example. Yours will be “custom-made” for you by the guidance of Holy Spirit. But be sure to follow the above process and allow the Holy Spirit to shape your personal spiritual rhythms.
Execute your Spiritual Rhythms
Once you develop your spiritual rhythms, you will put them into practice. Realize, however, that you will have setbacks and probably get discouraged at some time. If you falter in living any of them out, go to God in prayer and ask if they need to be adjusted somehow. It is easy to get overzealous when creating them. We can interject our desires into the process, attempting to overachieve. God knows us and knows what is best for us. He will direct the revision process if needed.
Evaluate your Spiritual Rhythms
Anything worth doing is worth evaluating. Set up a regular time to sit before the Lord and appraise how well you live your rhythms. I evaluate mine around once a month, but you may desire a different frequency.
I hope this post has been helpful. If we are going to continually be formed into the image of Christ, it shouldn’t be haphazard and random. Spiritual Rhythms help structure our development as Christ Followers. I pray that God will direct you to the rhythms that will help you become more like Jesus and enrich your life as his follower.
I am available if anyone wants to develop spiritual rhythms and desires some coaching. Just use the button below to message me, and we can schedule a meeting.