Monday Missive #12
A Poem: In the Midst of Knowing
In the midst of knowing, Yet not knowing All I should know. In the midst of being, Yet not being All I could be; I wait! I wait upon the All-knowing One Who is all-in-all. I wait for, His knowledge, His wisdom, His power, To be. Waiting is hard! Depending is hard! I think, I desire, To know, To be, What I want. Because I am… Yet, He is the only I AM! He is the only all-knowing. He is the only all-wise! He is God I am not. So, I wait.
A Prayer: Living My Imago Dei
Oh, gracious and loving God, Creator of my soul, Who made me in your image. As I live this day in your presence, Recreate in me your likeness, Of goodness, Of truth, Of beauty, Of love. That I may not disappoint you By falling short of the glory For which you created me; That I may reflect your majesty To all those I encounter today. That I might bless you, With every thought, Every word, Every action.
A Passage: For Reflection This Week
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
(Psalm 139:23-24 NIV)