Monday Missive #21
A Poem: Wheelbarrows
Why do we continually push
Wheelbarrows of “junk”
Through our lives?
Jesus said,
His burden is light.
Why do we fail to believe,
Continue to grieve,
About all the stuff
We’ve accumulated;
All the junk we’ve stored
In the attic of our life.
We must like our junk,
We take it down
Put it in our wheelbarrow
And push it about
The narrow streets
Of our minds
Never intending to
Dump it out.
A Prayer: For Contentment
Lord, move me toward being content in you alone.
Help me to focus my life in you
Instead of my longings.
I give you these stirrings inside me;
I give You my discontent,
I give You my restlessness,
I give You my wanderlust,
I give You my desire for something new,
I give You all the longings I hold inside.
Let them disappear into your presence.
A Passage: For Reflection
“I don't say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself.” (Philippians 4:11 CSB)