A Poem: My Only Compass
You spread yourself Across all You have created; Cradling it in arms of affection, That are wide as Yourself. I reach out to You, Fumbling in faith, Trying to figure You out; Trying to contain You, Control You, Compact You, Into something finite, Like me. Most High God, Let me live in Your vastness, Enjoy Your beyondness, Without charts or maps; Letting you be my only compass.
A Prayer: Be My Guide
Lord, today I am scattered. My thoughts, my feelings, my heart Are all over the map of my life. Help me focus; Give me direction; Be my compass, Guide me where You want me to go; Into the center if your will; Into thoughts, words, actions, That please you. Guide me away from what I desire Onto the path you desire.
A Passage: For Reflection
I will bless the LORD who counsels me- even at night when my thoughts trouble me. I always let the LORD guide me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
— Psalm 16:7-8 CSB