A Poem About Loss
This week’s Monday Missive is focused on loss. Each of us has suffered some kind of loss. How have you allowed God to enter into your loss? How have you leaned hard into the One who will walk through the loss with you, bringing you comfort and peace.? Here is a poem, a prayer, and a passage about loss.
A Poem About Loss: “Hope Hangs Upon Threads”
Leaning, horizontal, Over steps that shutter From earth-bending thunder, Shaking the porch, Older than dirt, She stands, Waiting! Deliberate, defiant, Rain spitting in her face, Dribbling down her cheeks. Wind whipping her hair Into a crazed concoction; Twisted strands Of grey mist Once beautiful blonde. Feeling the sting Of bitter spray, She remembers The morning he left In a storm like this. “A simple errand,” He said. And never seen since. Hope hangs upon threads Of the seen and unseen Always present, Always leaning forward Into the next hour, Into the next day. Lightening brightens her face. An unrecognized figure On the horizon. Could it be? Only shadows in the wind. Her heart dies another beat. Then… She scans the horizon, Once again whispering His name in a prayer. Hope hangs upon threads, Of the seen and unseen Always present, Always leaning forward, Into the next hour, Into the next day.
A Prayer for Those Suffering From Loss
Lord, For those who have lost, For those who mourn, For those who lament, For those with pain beyond bearing, Bring comfort beyond comprehension. Wrap them in the safety of your presence. Wipe away their tears, Lift their countenance of fear, Turn there mourning into dancing. Bring peace that passes understanding. Let them rest in the comfort of your love. Knowing that you are always there, No matter what!
A Passage for Reflection
Hear me, LORD, and have mercy on me. Help me, O LORD." You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever! (Psalm 30:10-12 NLT)