An Update:
You may have noticed that I have not posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday lately. I am coming to the realization that I may have set my goals and expectations too high. Because of other commitments and life itself, I am cutting back to two postings per week I will still post a poem, a prayer, and a passage in the Monday Missive, but I am only going to post longer articles once each week. “Thursday Thrive” will debut this week. The content will help us “thrive” in our journey of being formed in Christ’s image. Thank you for understanding!
A Poem: Quietness Before Dawn
In the quietness before dawn I breath in this new day, While it is mine alone. I'm selfish that way. I want to know the day Before anyone else does. In the quietness before dawn, I think deep into myself, Of going into the day. This scares me! I want to stay In the quietness before dawn, Imagining. a world Without Hatred, Without Prejudice, Without Harm, Without Greed; Only Love And the quietness before dawn.
A Prayer: Living My Imago Dei This Day
Oh, gracious and loving God, Creator of my soul, Who made me in your image. As I live this day in your presence, Recreate in me your likeness, Of goodness, Of truth, Of beauty, Of love. That I may not disappoint you By falling short of the glory For which you created me; That I may reflect your majesty To all those I encounter today. That I might bless you, With every thought, Every word, Every action.
A Passage: To Reflect Upon This Week
God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female. - Genesis 1:26-27 MSG
Quietness before dawn. That means I woke up before dawn! And implies that I went to bed at an appropriate time, the true discipline.
Congrats on re-evaluating your time and commitment! A great example and question to ask for all of us.