Something New
Today, I begin something new with the Christ Formed newsletter. I will be adding a short post every Monday entitled, Monday Missive. As you enter a new week, these posts will help focus your week on the Lord. Each post will consist of…
A Poem
An original poem reflecting on life.
A Prayer
A prayer to guide you into the new week.
A Passage
A scripture passage for meditation and reflection during the week..
I am grateful to Brandon Moore, another Substack author whom I recommend, for the idea. He has just started publishing his “Five on Friday.”
I will still have my two normal posts each week, just changed to Wednesday and Friday delivery. Here is the first Monday Missive.
Looking In
Everyone Is on the outside… Of something, Somewhere, Sometime, Looking in, Hoping to belong, To fit it, Be seen, Be known, Be accepted. Everyone…
A Prayer for Energy
Lord, give me this day holy energy! Energy to follow hard after you, Instead of my personal desires. Energy to love like you, Instead of living in selfishness. Energy to do what is right, Instead of what is expedient. Energy to live this day, Ending in your smile. Amen!
Reflecting on God’s Word
As you go through this week, lean hard into God’s strength as you meditate on the following passage.
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.— Isaiah 40:31 NLT—
May God richly bless you this week!