Ah… the smell of fresh coffee. Almost everyone loves the aroma of coffee as it is being brewed. My wife, who is not a coffee drinker, often says, “I wish coffee tasted as good as it smells.” It is amazing how smells impact us. They can take us back to our childhood. They can settle our nerves and relax us. They can attack our senses and irritate us. Our creator has given us the capacity to interact with the rest of creation through our sense of smell. Whether it is a “wet dog” or lavender, we respond to what we smell. I, unfortunately, do not have a keen sense of smell. My wife, however, has a ”super sniffer,” and smells impact her quicker and deeper than they do me. But both of us are impacted by what we smell. A smell from our childhood that can bring back memories of years past. A pungent order can ruin the moment. Driving by some restaurants can generate immediate hunger. God made smells to affect us.
The Bible uses the word “aroma” in two primary ways. First, God desires that we become a sweet aroma to him. What/how does that happen? In the Old Testament it involved the sacrifices that God instituted. A passage from Leviticus gives us an example.
"'When anyone brings a grain offering to the LORD, their offering is to be of the finest flour. They are to pour olive oil on it, put incense on it [2] and take it to Aaron's sons the priests. The priest shall take a handful of the flour and oil, together with all the incense, and burn this as a memorial portion on the altar, a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.” (Leviticus 2:1-2 NIV)
After Christ became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, as followers of Christ, we are to be a sweet fragrance to God. In 2 Corinthians 2:14-15, Paul refers to himself, but what he says can be applied to all who follow Christ.
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ's triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 2:14-15 NIV)
The above passage also conveys the idea that we should be a blessing to other people. God has given us the ability to smell to remind us that he desires that we become a sweet aroma to him and to others.
How can we use our sense of smell to bless God and others? Here are three kinds of smells where you can spend a “five-minute focus” on God and others as our Creator brings you into the smells of your day.
Early morning smells
Most of us experience smells early in the morning, whether it is coffee, bacon, or fresh fruit. Pause and enjoy the morning smells. Even if it is burnt toast, God has provided “your daily bread.” As these smells waft through your kitchen, thank God. And if someone in your household was instrumental in making the smells, thank them. Start your day realizing that God has given you another day to worship him with all your senses.Smells throughout the day
As you go about your day, be aware of the smells that you encounter. They may be smells that relax you. They may be smells that irritate you. Take the time to reflect on what you smell. If it takes you back to your childhood, consider how you were shaped growing up - even if the memories are bad. God allowed you to be shaped the way you were throughout childhood. No matter “where” the smell takes you, embrace it and speak to God about what thoughts and feelings it brings.Nasty smells
Have you ever said something like, “Ew… That smells gross?” Yes, God made stinky smells, too. We might ask, “Why?” - just like we might ask why God made mosquitoes. Maybe it is so that we will appreciate the pleasant smells more. Maybe, however, it might be that God wants to remind us not to stink! We are to be a sweet aroma to both him and others, but it is easy to become an unpleasant aroma instead of a sweet one. Whenever you encounter a nasty smell, use it as an opportunity to ask God, “How am I smelling - to you and to others.?”
Today’s post ends with a poem about the beauty and fragrance of a rose at midnight. May God use what you smell as a blessing to him and to others!
Midnight Rose
Cloaked in red with scarf of green,
At the garden’s midnight wake;
Shadows from soft moon beam,
Mirrored image upon the lake.
Standing tall, no shivering retreat,
From frost fingers holding tight.
Perfect splendor with scent still sweet;
Queen of beauty, even at night.