About Christ Formed

What is the primary purpose of being a Christian? Is it to praise and worship God? Is it to try and live a life without sin? Is it to serve God in some way? Is it to tell others about Jesus? All of these are important, but they are not the primary purpose of being a Christian! The primary purpose of being a Christian is to become more and more like Jesus. The early followers of Jesus were called Christians (or little Christs) because they acted like Jesus. Becoming more and more like Jesus is what Christ Formed is all about.

Hello! I am Greg M Cole. Welcome to Christ Formed, where we journey together in our desire to be formed into the image of Christ. Each week, I try to post two articles related to being formed in Christ. I am a Christian Formation Poet and Author dedicated to living as an apprentice to Jesus, deepening my relationship with Him by becoming more like Him and helping others do the same.

If you register, you will receive two email posts each week.

  1. Monday Missive - consisting of a poem, a prayer, and a scripture passage for reflection.

  2. Leaning In - Published on Thursdays - containing articles focusing on leaning into ideas and actions that will help us become formed in Christ’s image.

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Subscribe to Christ Formed

Here, you will find poetry and and articles focusing on what and how it means to be formed into the image of Jesus. You will find a community attempting to live life shaped by Jesus. Subscribing is free, and you will receive every post in your inbox.